Tag: tv installation sheffield

best tv of 2018

Our 2018 best TVs of the year – a buying guide!

Looking to improve your viewing pleasure at home? We have seen a lot of options over the past year. Our best TVs of 2018 are here!

It’s that time of year when Christmas creeps up at a slow but inevitable pace and thoughts turn to presents, mince pies and arguments over what to watch on the telly. Family harmony is paramount so with an eye on keeping the teenagers occupied with Netflix on a large screen upstairs and Dad happy with Boxing day footy, AB Aerials are happy to help with an offering of the best  TVs from this year. But before we get stuck in to the smorgasbord of electronics delights it’s worth noting that you can save a few quid by trawling the depths of Gumtree, Amazon and the like for 2017 models where huge savings can be made.

For instance, the LG OLED55B7V was selling at a wallet withering £3,000 when new but 12 months later could be picked up at £1,299.  Same with the Panasonic TX-55EZ952B which slapped the new buyer in the face at £3,499 but dropped to £1,499 this year. You have to get in quick though.  Just like the Mission Impossible tape they will metaphorically self-destruct after a year never to be seen again.  Bye, bye.

2018 options for brilliant telly

Back to the future. According to WHICH? Consumer magazine, LG, Samsung, and SONY have sped out of the blocks producing the popular and value for money products whilst Panasonic have been slow to respond. But was has become apparent is that large TV’s are more common than ever and that smaller screen i.e. 43” and less are being sent to the big TV recycling plant in the sky. So if you’re thinking of incorporating a petite TV into that fitted wardrobe you’re planning I’d think again unless your bedroom is one of the larger ones in the Palais de Versailles.

New features for 2018 are voice commands which will replace remote controls but this won’t happen any time soon but like death, the change will inevitably come and having worm your way under the couch and fish the hand set out from a mountain of dog hair will be a thing of the past.  Having to actually type using on-screen keyboards will be a footnote of TV history and some TV’s can act as SMART Hubs so that control of the lighting, heating etc can be done from the TV (see reviews at which.co.uk/TVs). High dynamic range (HDR) standards have improved from one HDR format (HDR10) to four others so the imagery could look better but the HDR technology can’t change a bad TV in to a good one.

On to the reviews.  A selection has been made taken from the Which? Tests carried out this month (September 2018)

Size (inches) Model Pros Cons Price (£)
32 LG32LK6100PLB Great HD SD images Feeble sound 349
43 LG43UK6950PLB Sharp video Full sound Menu slow 499
43 LG43UK6300PLB Detailed pictures Balanced sound Poor remote control 379
43 LG436500PLA Sharp detailed picture Menu slow 499
49 LG49K8500KLA star buy Great sound and visual detail Colours too rich 999
49 Samsung UE49NU8000 Crisp picture voice search features Unbalanced sound 849
49 KG49UK7550PLA Excellent sound and remote Colours are cold 749
55 LGOLED55C8PLA star buy Stunning sound and detail Menus too long to load 2499
55 SonyKD55AF8BU star buy Superb sound and deep detailed blacks Busy remote 2399
55 SamsungQE55Q7FN star buy Great sound vivid picture Fiddly remote 1799
55 SamsunGUE55NU8500 star buy Vibrant screen nice sound Awkward remote 1249
65 LG65SK8500PLA star buy Glorious sound detailed picture fantastic remote Colours lean towards yellow 1999
65 SamsungQE65Q9FN Excellent contrast and colours Unintuitive remote 2499
65 SamsungUE65NU8000 star buy Natural sound sharp picture Colours too warm 1499

The best performing TV ‘start from £999 and the “go-to” recommendation is the LGOLED55C8PLA for its great pictures and sound quality and two tuners (terrestrial and satellite) mean that 100’s of free channels can be accessed with an easy to use remote control.  AB Aerials can’t find a single reason not to recommend this TV.

best tv of 2018

TV Wall Mounting service in Sheffield provided by AB Aerials

once you have sourced your awesome new TV, you may wish to consider wall mounting the amazing piece of kit to improve your viewing pleasure. AB Aerials offer this service and are able to provide a quick quote with 5-star rated service. Check out the TV Wall Mounting page or contact us for a quick quote!

Aerial & Satellite installation in Sheffield

We are the region’s best installation team for TV aerials and satellites, providing peace of mind and a massive improvement to your viewing pleasure and home entertainment experience.

Don’t just take our word for it – check out this great article showcasing some of our fantastic customers who were kind enough to welcome us back to their home to offer their feedback on the AB Aerials service and quality!

Be sure to check out our range of services and contact us for a no quibble conversation about your requirement.

Aerial Installation

Satellite Installation


Which Trusted Trader Should I Go For?

Choosing a Which Trusted Trader For Your Next Job

As a “normal Joe” and fully paid up member of society (rather than a heart of stone contractor!) I feel a customer’s pain when looking for a tradesperson. There are so many “horror” stories out there about “Rogue traders” it’s daunting and I can sympathise as I’ve been a victim too. It’s the feeling of vulnerability that gnaws away at you because who other than the very person you want to employ has the knowledge that you don’t!!

Questions are raised such as

  • how much should I pay?
  • Who’s a reputable installer?
  • Will they turn up when they said they would?
  • Will they answer/return my calls?

Sound familiar – of course they do, because nobody wants to be ripped off!

Previously I’ve written blogs on customer confidence and this time I want to promote further reasons why a customer of AB Aerials is in safe hands when choosing the right tradesperson for your next job

Customer Confidence

AB Aerials – A Which? Trusted Trader

Recently AB Aerials as business has undergone the process of becoming a Which Trusted Trader (WTT). There are a lot of “Find a Trader” platforms out there but we wanted to go for the “Gold Standard” as Which have a “rich history in rewarding good services, products and businesses for the benefit of UK consumers”. Well, I’m glad we decided to go with Which as their whole philosophy is centred on customer protection.

There is a rigourous assessment process which other trading sites just don’t have. This involves substantiating individual’s professional qualifications, company credit status, continuous customer feedback and AB Aerials signing up to a Code of Conduct and Ethics. Any of which are breached and you’re down the road!!! Hence, the customer is protected from “Rogue Traders” and charlatans. For instance, if you’re quoted for work there is an arrangement for a 14 day cooling off period and you can cancel and if you’re unhappy with the work WTT offer a free arbitration/dispute resolution service (all this can be found in the Complaints Procedure of the website). Ultimately every stage of the work process is geared to customer protection and the responsibility to provide an excellent service falls to AB Aerials or else there will be consequences, be that legal or financial!

Which Trusted Trader Sheffield

I have to say it was a relief when I got the good news and been told AB Aerials had been endorsed by WTT as this meant that the work practices of our business were of a high standard and WTT would be confident in promoting us. What made this even sweeter was that we were told that only 1 in 4 applications were successful. Pat on the back all round then!

Out of interest, I typed in aerial and satellite installers in Sheffield on the WTT site and only two other businesses appeared. One was based in Humberside (say what!!) and the others were an electrical contractor stating they do audio-visual work and as it happens they sub-contract this work to AB Aerials anyway. The question has got to be asked why aren’t there any other similar businesses with WTT? The answer is, of course, it is unlikely they would meet the standards required and those that have applied have been unsuccessful.

So why go with anybody else? Go with AB Aerials – for a better resolution!!

We are industry leading 5-star reviewed installation providers for TV Aerials, Satellites, CCTV and TV Wall Mounting.

Contact us today to see how we can help you. Which? Trusted Traders are renowned for customer service and value so you are safe in the knowledge your installation will be treated with upmost care.