The best TVs of 2018 – in our opinion!

Our 2018 best TVs of the year – a buying guide! Looking to improve your viewing pleasure at home? We have seen a lot of options over the past year. Our best TVs of 2018 are here! It’s that time of year when Christmas creeps up at a slow but inevitable pace and thoughts turn to presents, mince pies and arguments over what to watch on the telly. Family harmony is paramount so with an eye on keeping the teenagers occupied with Netflix on a large screen upstairs and Dad happy with Boxing day footy, AB Aerials are happy to help with an offering of the best  TVs from this year. But before we get stuck in to the smorgasbord of electronics delights it’s worth noting that you can save a few quid by trawling the depths of Gumtree, Amazon and the like for 2017 models where huge savings can be made. For instance, the LG OLED55B7V was selling at a wallet withering £3,000 when new but 12 months later could be picked up at £1,299.  Same with the Panasonic TX-55EZ952B which slapped the new buyer in the face at £3,499 but dropped to £1,499 this year. You have to get in quick though.  Just like the Mission Impossible tape they will metaphorically self-destruct after a year never to be seen again.  Bye, bye. 2018 options for brilliant telly Back to the future. According to WHICH? Consumer magazine, LG, Samsung, and SONY have sped out of the blocks producing the popular and value for money products whilst Panasonic have been slow to respond. But was has become apparent is that large TV’s are more common than ever and that smaller screen i.e. 43” and less are being sent to the big TV recycling plant in the sky. So if you’re … Continue reading The best TVs of 2018 – in our opinion!