Customer Confidence
Now here’s a thing. Customer confidence. Can be a scary place out there, in unchartered tradesman’s world, finding the right bod for the right job. I should co-co, having just been ripped off £300 myself by a trickster (not what I called him at the time) believing I could get a good deal on some CCTV equipment. Needless to say, a debt recovery company are sending him scary court summons, and the like, which will eventually lead to his just desserts – spotted dick, hopefully.
I live in a world of digital aerials, Freeview TV, satellite installation, Freesat, TV wall mounts and CCTV. Exotic, I know, but unbelievably peppered with bad apples, ne’er do-wells and blaggards. I could say that these types stand out like sore thumbs what with their squints, limps and left handed handshakes but unfortunately it’s not that easy to distinguish them. They move in the aerial. Satellite and CCTV universe just as normal mortals do using cheap materials, misdiagnosing, half completing jobs, overcharging and never returning to the crime scene unlike any decent, self respecting criminal.
Just saying, you never know who’s gonna be a smiling assassin or a genuine Mr. Darcy in hard hat (notwithstanding other essential personal protective equipment). What to do to find a decent tradesman and, in this scenario I’m trying to create, a wondrous digital aerial, satellite and CCTV installer? Well, let’s take a good example of such a being i.e. ME. What have I got that others haven’t (and possibly crave)?
1. Qualifications
You wouldn’t get Wayne Rooney to build a space rocket. What’s required is somebody who has relevant and current qualifications. In this case a Registered Digital Installer (RDI) who would be trained and approved by a Licensing Board. Also it’s worth checking their ID number to ensure they are currently registered.
2. Insured
Doesn’t necessarily go hand in hand but if a chap isn’t a RDI it’s unlikely they will be have Public Liability Insurance. If they drop a hammer through the conservatory roof or drill through your waterworks they’ll be off and you’ll have to pay the bill.
3. CRB checked
This is the Criminal Records Bureau that monitors public convictions. Given the choice I’d want somebody in my house with a clean record than not. An RDI has to produce a CRB certificate to the Licensing Board to become registered and if you want to see mine it came through the post last week.
4. References and testimonials
These count for something. My customers have been kind enough to give video testimonials, testimonials on Google, Facebook and as well a number on my website – check ‘em out.
5. Uses Industry approved materials
Why wouldn’t you use decent materials. Look out for the Kite symbol it’s shown on all of the digital aerials, satellites and cabling I use. Cheap means expensive in the long run.
6. Guarantees work
It’s written in stone, well on my website, receipts and now in this blog, that I will give a two years guarantee on all works and materials. Howzat?
7. Doesn’t leave site until the works are completed and commissioned
Goes without saying that if it ain’t working don’t pay ‘em. If the job has be done correctly there’s no reason for it not to work. Some people will always find an excuse and dash with the dosh.
So you could do worse than to follow these box-tickers. If you have any questions relating who and who not to allow on to your roof and in your house call me, Steve, on 0114 2341189 for a free and no obligation chat about increasing your confidence in contractors.